Anne van Kesteren

reboot8: day two

After all the usual stuff we went to get a muffin, a croissant and ice tea at a local bakery and sit down at the river. After that biked to and sit down with some Opera people to read weblogs, e-mail and discuss fancy internal stuff (and stickers). Listening to a talk from Jyri Engeström at the moment. Later this day I’m planning to attend talks from Jeremy Keith, Doc Searls, Håkon Wium Lie and probably Chris Heathcote. Dunno about others yet.

Jyri Engeström: Mobile 2.0 is not about “multimedia.” It’s about enabling social peripheral vision – across space and across time.

So after thinking about it some more I decided I really like reboot. Not just reboot8. You meet a lot of people you haven’t come accross before online with interesting ideas on a variety of subjects. I only really liked about four talks in total or so, but that’s not really what it is about. reboot is much more about meeting people and exchanging ideas than it’s about anything else.