Anne van Kesteren

HTML: HTML5 submitted

This blog is getting rather boring. That is, if you’re subscribed to public-html and read the e-mail or just don’t care about evolving the web. Proposal to Adopt HTML5 is probably the most important topic from the past few days. Most people in the Working Group seem to agree that going with the WHATWG HTML5 specification is ok (or more than that). Microsoft hasn’t replied yet though and neither has the W3C.

The other heavily debated topic was versioning. Chris Wilson is drafting an essay as Microsoft seems to have a fundamentally different opinion from the other browser vendors. More on that when he publishes it.

In other news: I’ll be twittering from time to time.


  1. I'm following the email-list very closely and I'm particularly interested in Chris' essay since I myself also have a very different opinion on how MS/IE is looking upon standards-compliance and their way of 'fixing things'.

    Meanwhile my +1 for adopting the WHATWG's work.

    Posted by Tino Zijdel at

  2. Although I belong to a lot of those mailing lists, I am normally unable to follow all the discussions due to lack of time. I wish somebody would open up a blog and just post a weekly update about the latest happenings so that all us "busy bodies" can also follow what's going on.

    Posted by Charl van Niekerk at

  3. Well, there’s my heavily biased postings now and then. There is also HTML WG - Daily Digest by Yudai Iwasaki.

    Posted by Anne van Kesteren at