Anne van Kesteren

HTML5 Captioning Update (Timed Tracks)

Ian and Silvia have been updating a new timed tracks WHATWG wiki page. The page is focused around collecting data and requirements for various ways of annotating video (and audio), including video captioning. If you have examples of any kind of video annotation that is not addressed by that page it is fairly easy to add new examples. Next step will be to take all the requirements and figure out how to solve them. Then write it all down and get it implemented and shipped by browsers.


  1. Then write it all down and get it implemented and shipped by browsers.

    Oh, if only it were that easy …

    Posted by Arlen Cuss at

  2. Arlen: Why is it harder?

    Posted by Ian Hickson at

  3. Ian: I refer specifically to "get it implemented and shipped by browsers" — of course, the standard to which and manner in which it will be implemented tends to vary dramatically, and how much resemblance the resulting implementation will have to what was proposed is always a question up for debate.

    Posted by Arlen Cuss at