Anne van Kesteren

Mac humor

I don't have any Mac; should I have one?


  1. hahahaaaa!

    This one is really great. It pretty much sums up all my experiences with a mac. But maybe that's just because of my reduced computer skills since i am a windoze user...

    Posted by Minz Meyer at

  2. I've heard the new versions of Apple Macs are good; though the ones I used about four years back were highly annoying because they were too restrictive, and the Microsoft Office conversions were rather awkward to use.

    Posted by Robert Wellock at

  3. if this was made on a mac, shouldnt it be a quicktime movie?

    Posted by huphtur at

  4. Yes, you should get one. ;-)

    Posted by Thijs van der Vossen at

  5. I certainly like yours :-)

    I didn't get that part either, probably irony.

    Posted by Anne at

  6. Lol! That's some of the funniest stuff I've heard in a long time!

    Posted by David House at

  7. Heh, the original version of that one was in quicktime format. This one must be a conversion. It's at a much lower resolution, also.

    The mac is different from windows in many perspectives, and there are still some kinks that I think the windows solution is better for, among them is the ability to type in ANY dropdown to get to an entry with that first letter, instead of having to scroll it manually in all but a few ones. And the mouse handling is still superior on windows. On the other hand, the windowing environment is far superior to Windows, especially now with Panther. And the Darwin core is nicely anonymous. A user won't even know it's there in most situations, but if he needs it, he has a full, powerful unix system at his command. I think if you used a mac, and a mac alone, for a while, you'd soon learn to appreaciate it in ways you never appreciated windows. For some reason, OS X feels far more complete than windows.

    // liorean, who had never used a mac before he got one last summer, and now find his windows system lacking many convenience features.

    Posted by liorean at