Anne van Kesteren
Archives for 31 July 2004
Vorsprung durch technik
Sorry, You Forgot To Give Me A Lobotomy With My Nametag
Poor Standards Support
MIME types matter; DOCTYPEs don't
Legend of Zeldman
Re: Sniffing XHTML sent as text/html
HTML Syntax Checker in PHP
UTF-8 to Code Point Array Converter in PHP
XML Alternatives
Dive Into Premium
PNG Gamma “Correction”
Table Rows...Revealed!
What's in a NAME?
form values and innerHTML
script-killer comments
window arguments and errors
array length headaches
How About a Date?
Look, we get it, already!
CSS, Standards, Semantic Markup, and the Bottom Line: Money
Magic 8-Ball Answers Your Questions Regarding RealNetworks’ Harmony