Zero. Now all I need to do is catch my plane and find the office.
Good luck with speaking Norwegian!
Good luck and have fun!
Good luck Anne. Enjoy it.
Have a great time, Anne!
Luckily this isn't a joke again ;-) Opera rocks; good luck!
Good luck, and have lots of fun (but I doubt you need to be told to do that ;-) )
Welcome here, Anne. Will be looking forward to meeting you.
Good luck!
You sure picked a nice day to take a plane. I heard only 40 flights per hour are allowed to depart from Schiphol with this weather, instead of the usual 90. I live near Schiphol and it isn't looking pretty ;-)
Take a cab, especially for the first time you go there :)
Otherwise, bus 34 or 54 from Jernbanetorget (Central station) in Oslo. You could buy tickets in advance at Trafikanten, outside the exit shown in the picture. Get out at 'Alexander Kiellandsplas'.
Have fun!
Velkommen til fjordland.
Well, well... have fun. ;)
Welcome to Norway. Hope you'll enjoy the stay!
Heh, Opera is becoming the new Netscape - scooping up everyone who's doing interesting things in the browser-space. Awesome.
And cöngratz! :)
Good luck! This is probably one of the coolest places to work at now. Don't forget to send us some Opera promotional merchandise ;)
Welcome to Opera, Norway, ...
The bus directions were good. You can take a normal train from the airport - they are about as quick as the flytog and half the price (80 nok vs 160). Instead of going to the fancy ticket machines and through the fancy barriers you go to the old-fashioned one, and onto the platforms that seem normal, and where the train is going to or through Oslo S. If you have luggage, grab a cab, otherwise bus as described above.
Congratulations. You really deserve this.
All the best, Anne! Please let us know more when you have the time.
By the way, I expressed my thoughts about Opera a while ago; maybe something for you to work on (feel free to remove this)? :-)
Hey, congratulations!
Is that cool or what!
I guess you did some successful networking at the XTech boat trip! Hats off and have fun!
Well done Anne! I just checked the date and no April Fools this time. ;-)
Wow! How great is that! Welcome to Opera! :)
Congratulations, Anne! Well deserved, both for Opera and you! I hope you like Norway as much as I do and I will be looking as much forward to seeing you as Arve. Let me know when you want to go out and have one of our incredibly expensive beers on my tab. ;-)
Congratulations, Anne. This job sounds absolutely perfect for you and I'm sure you'll do Opera proud. Best of luck!
Congratulations and lots of fun with your new adventure!
Congrats, Anne! Have a great time, I know you will. (Aren’t I speaking Yoda here.)
So do you live in Norway now, or are you just on a vist?
A visit, for about six weeks. After this I will go to university in the Netherlands. I might return though, you never know :-)
Anne, congrats on opera. I've actually just discovered all its accessibility features just recently. I'm blown away by it. I've decided to take adv of the new bit torrents client involved in opera8. I'll do my developing in firefox and browse with opera from now on, unless opera has extentions/plugins for that kind of thing of course. Just thought I'de drop a line. Kind regards.